2022 Subs for senior players
Published Wed 13 Apr 2022
- 2022 Sub info- CLICK HERE - Seniors to be invoiced tonight
- DISCOUNTS - Tertiary Student and Secondary students ($80) and Family members of 3+players (10%) Players need to either update their Reddos membership, tell their manager or Sheena@ secretary with their information by 9pm Wednesday 13th April -
- PAYMENT OPTIONS - we are happy to receive subs in installments over the season but players need to contact us before 1 May
- LATE PAYMENT FEE - A late fee of $50 is required IF subs are not paid or a 40% payment made before 1 May for SENIORS or 1 June for JUNIORS.
- FINANCIAL SUPPORT - If a player needs financial support with paying the subs, or you would like to support someone, please contact our secretary Sheena- reddos.secretary@gmail.com or treasurer JD reddos.treasurer@gmail.com
N.B. CHA gives schools approx $50 per secondary school players if they play for school and club, discuss this with your school.